ISMIR 2008 resources
- MyPySpace project page at sourceforge
- MySpace2RDF translation hosted by DBtune
- FFTExtract, a part of OMRAS2, is available as a preview release or from the version control system (more fresh, less stable...)
- rdf based snowball browser
- download the presentation slides as:
- pdf
- flash
- keynote source available upon request
- download poster (pdf)
- download paper (pdf from
- related papers
- B. Fields, K. Jacobson, M. Casey, M.Sandler, "Do You Sound Like Your Friends? Exploring Artist Similarity via Artist Social Network Relationships and Audio Signal Processing," Intl. Computer Music Conference, (Belfast, N.Ireland, UK), August, 2008.
- K. Jacobson, M.Sandler, "Musically Meaningful or Just Noise? An Analysis of On-line Artist Networks," In Proc of CMMR, 2008.
- K. Jacobson, B.Fields, M.Sandler, "Using Audio Analysis and Network Structure to Identify Communities in On-Line Social Networks of Artists," In Proc of ISMIR, 2008.
If you have any questions I can be contacted at b[dot]fields[at]gold[dot]ac[dot]uk